Quick Contact
Head Office
- House 17, Road 11, Sector 12, Uttara, Dhaka -1230-Bangladesh
- info@trendythreadsbd.com
- +8801915095744
USA Office
- 1326 Apruce Ave Orlando,florida 32824 USA
- ranaworldexport@gmail.com
- +4072558388
Trendy Threads, is one of many concerns of Weftex Group which is consited of Garment factories, Printing Factories and Embroideries. We are a Clothing Company having our own production unit as well as Outsourcing.
Business office: House 17, Road 11, Sector 12, Uttara, Dhaka-1230- Bangladesh.
Business Email: info@trendythreadsbd.com
Email: ranaworldexport@gmail.com
Cell: +8801915095744